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In 2024, Dr Roland Bourdeix is working as coconut researcher for CIRAD, the French agricultural research and cooperation organization working for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions. He collaborates to the scientific team DDSE (Dynamics of diversity, societies and environments), located in the very large research unit AGAP INSTITUTE (Genetic Improvement and Adaptation of Mediterranean and Tropical Plants. He also develop privately some projects and activities, mainly devoted to the conception and creation of coconut ecomuseums.
Holding a Bachelor in biological sciences, D, R. Bourdeix continued his studies at the University of Paris Sud Orsay up to a "Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies" (equivalent to Master of Science) in the field of Genetics and Plant Breeding. He was then recruited by the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD). It was the first French student at CIRAD to conduct his doctoral dissertation (Phd) being based permanently in a southern country, Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa.
Until 2000 he continued to work in this African country, in the Department of Genetics of the Coconut Research Station "Marc Delorme" from CNRA (National Agricultural Research Center of Côte d'Ivoire). From the 1990s he conducted training activities at the University of Cocody. He also led a number of projects and expert missions in more than thirty countries in the tropics, especially on behalf of Bioversity International and the COGENT (the International Network for Coconut Genetic Resources) which brings together 41 producing countries. The themes of his research has gradually evolved from genetics to a multidisciplinary approach integrating ethnology and multifonctional landscape management. To understand the diversity of crops, we need to look not only for plants but also to humans who cultivate them and their cultural specificities.
From 2000 to 2014, he worked on behalf the Coconut Research Programme of CIRAD and the research Unit "Bio cultural interactions" of CEFE (Centre for Evolutionary and Functional Ecology). In 2014, he joined the Research Unit AGAP (Genetic Improvement of Mediterranean and Tropical Plants) and its Scientific Team DDSE (Dynamics of diversity, societies and environments).![]() |
In Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa, 2014. |
Most Europeans who see this photo do not recognize the coconut, because they do not imagine the existence of such diversity |
Alongside his scientific career, his interest in design and graphics led him to intervene in the fields of publishing, photography and video. Hundreds of photographs were uploaded online, some of which changing the public perception of the coconut at the global level. He also initiated and coordinated the creation of the first global catalogue of coconut varieties. Guidelines for producing good coconut pictures were also published.
In 2005, he created the Diversiflora Publishing Corporation and released as author several books, including one on coconut.
After 2000, he continued to work in many countries and to develop a unique expertise coconut, becoming one of the few world specialists of this plant and its culture. Number of public lectures (in English and French) were organized. Below is a list of countries and locations visited, with some links to the work achieved or movies.
Lists of countries visited
(click on the name of the country to access some of the activities carried out in this country)
Australia ; Cook Islands ; Fiji ; Kiribati ; New Caledonia ; New Zealand ; Papua New Guinea ; French Polynesia ; Solomon (islands) ; Samoa ; Tonga ; Tuvalu ; Vanuatu ; Wallis & Futuna ; Japan ; Malaysia ; Philippines ; Singapour ; Thailand ; Vietnam ; South ; Korea ; Indonesia ; India ; Oman ; Sri ; Lanka ; Benin ; Burkina Faso ; Cameroon ; Comoro ; Côte d'Ivoire ; Ghana ; Kenya ; Mayotte ; Mali ; Mozambique ; Réunion; Tanzania ; Togo ; Dominique ; Dominican Republic ; Guadeloupe ; Brazil ; Jamaica ; Mexico ; Belgium ; England ; France ; Italy ; Czech Republic
From 2011 to 2013, he coordinated COGENT (the International Coconut Genetic Resources network) and was in charge of the compilation of the Global Strategy for Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources. The structure and operationability of the network was significantly improved, thanks to structural changes and to the creation of ITAGs (International Thematic Action Groups). Network communication was also strongly enhanced through the inclusion of many photographs, posters and videos.
In 2013 he created with friends the NGO Diversiflora International whose aims to promote diversity in all its forms, whether natural (biological) or cultural. Diversiflora is working on very diverse topics linked to environmental (for instance urban erosion) or societal (child labor, Syrian refugees) aspects.
In 2014, broadening its scope of professional experience, he coordinated the REPROCROP project that studies the perceptions and traditional knowledge of farmers for five crops: Banana, Cacao, Coco, Cassava and Oil Palm.
He is also author of a quite important filmography.
© R. Bourdeix, 2022 - Curriculum vitae