Botanically, the coconut palm is not a tree since there is no bark, no branches, or secondary growth. A coconut palm is a woody perennial monocotyledon with the trunk being the stem, so a kind of giant grass!
- CSH. Multi-headed palms - Cocotiers à plusieurs troncs
- CSU. Curved coconut palms - Cocotier courbés
- CSC. Climbing the palm - Grimper au cocotier
- CSI. Utilitarian items - Objets utilitaires
- CSJ. Wood jewellery - Bijouterie
- CSA. Wood Carving - Sculpture en bois de cocotier
A poster, or even two, can show how the trunk develops, explain its permanent growth although it decreases over time, show the different forms of trunks according to the varietal types, explain what the leaf scars it bears correspond to, illustrate how the trunks sometimes become covered with a beautifully colored layer of lichen, fungi and epiphytes.
There are rare and extraordinary coconut trees whose trunk is divided into several branches, which will fascinate the public. A famous coconut tree that existed in the Cook Islands, called "Seven in One", and whose trunks have naturally moved over time, can be the subject of a poster on its own. Similarly, certain trunks bend in volutes extraordinary and amusing, and provide the subject of an attractive poster.
People from Cabo del Gado, Northern Mozambique, dig on purpose huge holes into the stems of some of their coconut palms. They do not do it for all the coconut palms. In the villages, and along the beach, about one coconut palm on ten to twenty is punched. They carefully select the palms to be punched...
It took me a long time to understand why...
We have dedicated an entire website to describing all the coconut freaks in the world. Click on the image to access it. |