Coconut harvest Tools – Outils de récolte

©R. Bourdeix, 2021, section CTGH. 

For illustrating this section, we can produce on request at least one large size HD poster (up to 180x100 cm in size). These posters should be adapted to each country, on a case-by-case basis, in order to prominently feature locally produced coconut products, and to promote the marketing of these local products. It is also possible to buy or rent items from the personal collection of Dr R. Bourdeix.

Coconut harvesting hooks or coconut sickles allow to harvest coconut palms at least twice faster that the simple metal hook method often used in many Pacific Countries. Be care to buy true coconut sickles and not the one which are made for oil palm harvest and that have a different shape, less convenient for harvesting coconut palms.

Coconut sickles can be buy in Malaysia, or India, and may be in other countries.

Coconut sickle from India

Coconut sickle from Malaysia

Avoid these oil palm sickles, that are longer and more open in shape,
and not convenient for harvesting coconut palms

Here is an old movie....

See also the Thai way of harvesting...